Love Yourself, Heal Your Life
As part of this workshop you will work with all the four aspects of your being – mind, body, emotions and spirit.
Welcome to Love Yourself, Heal Your Life ® workshop. Originally created by Louise L. Hay, the best-selling author of over 27 books including You Can Heal Your Life®, this 2-day transformational workshop can help you identify and dissolve all forms of inner blocks and pave way for your wins.
Its a 2 full-day workshop. The program consists of various exercises that are carefully designed to help the healing process. It will help you dive deep into yourself to recognize and cut through the layers of old conditioning and connect with you inner source of creativity.
Access Bars Workshop
Access is a beautiful energy transformation system that provides people with tools they can use to remove their limitations and disabilities
There are 32 points or bars on the head. Activating these points by lightly touching them and allowing the energy to flow through these bars releases the electrical charge that holds all the considerations, thoughts, beliefs, decisions, emotions or attitudes you have stored.
It is a 1 Full Day workshop. A Bars session lasts from an hour to an hour and a half. At its worst, it makes you feel like you had a good massage and at its best, your whole life can change.
Harmony in Relationships
Relationships are central to our life. They create us, define us and are most significant in our growth and evolution.
Are your relationships supportive or draining? Do you feel stuck in your relationships? Are you looking for that perfect relationship? Do you constantly feel that the other person is cause of your unhappiness? Do you find it difficult to build and keep strong relationships?
This is a 8 weekly sessions of 1 hour each. If relationships in your life, both personal and professional, are always posing a challenge for you then this intervention is for you. This will help you learn and discover our beliefs about relationships that come in the way of creating fulfilling relationships and how to change them.
Money And Consciousness
This is a powerful experience based on the work of bestselling author Louise Hay.
Learn how to use the power of your subconscious mind to master the energy of money. In this exciting workshop, you will learn to recognize and dissolve resistance , blocking the flow of money.
Discover the root cause of your money challenges.
Understand how your subconscious mind works.
Release old limiting beliefs.
Design your new abundant life with affirmations.
Learn how to use Visualization and Law of Attraction to create what you want.
Ordering From Cosmic Kitchen
This is a powerful experience based on the books of same name, written by Patricia Crane.
Wondering how to create what you really, really want? Imagine that the Universe is like a Cosmic Kitchen with an Infinite Menu, just waiting to take and fulfill your orders.
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to effectively place YOUR orders with the Cosmic Kitchen and use the Law of Attraction to create what you want in your life!
6 weekly sessions of 2 hours each.
Heal Your Life Journey
A Transformational Online Course through a Global platform
This online course is designed to give you an incredible experience of starting or deepening your inner journey. Through The Heal Your Life Learning Portal, you will use carefully crafted reflection exercises, videos, meditations, visualizations, and affirmations. These tools will help you uncover layers of past conditioning, identify limiting beliefs, and release behaviors caused by lack of self-love.
This personal development tool allows you to acknowledge your own power, in achieving the love, prosperity, and the relationships you’ve been longing for. During the program, you are supported over weekly Zoom calls, WhatsApp group, and a 1 on 1 consultation as needed.

"The point of power is always in the present moment."
Louise Hay